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We invest in talent, culture, and teams to align individuals and leaders toward a common goal. Whether it's a focus on teachers, coaches, or well-respected companies, we help equip our partners to select, grow, and multiply talent.
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Humanex Ventures works with our partners to help them architect excellence in talent, culture, and teams.
With a specialized focus in Education, Athletics, and Business & Community we work to ensure you select, grow and develop your people, and build an elite culture. 
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We assess individuals’ talents, organizational culture, and team chemistry and consult on the insights uncovered to set people and organizations up for current and future success. Through executive coaching we build supportive relationships with leaders who face complex challenges and need trusted partners and guides.
Partnering with leaders, teams, and organizations, we utilize assessments, trainings, consulting practices and more to put key best practice processes in place. 

Who we work with
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